Patient Education

We have a range of resources for patients.

New publication from a patient/provider summit.

A new publication from MYCology Advocacy, Research & Education (MyCARE) summarizing the results of the first pan-fungal disease patient/provider summit.

For Immediate release: Integrita Foundation’s MYCARE initiative is pleased to announce the publication of the article, Shared Vision for Improving Outcomes for Serious Fungal Diseases: Report of a Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Summit, in Open Forum Infectious Diseases in April 2024. This groundbreaking publication has been featured as an Editor’s Choice article.

Read the full release now!

Superficial Fungal Infections Infographic

Did you know that fungal infections of the skin, nail, and hair are becoming more resistant? Some people are having these infections spread over their entire body. What is the impact on you? Is there anything you can do? Check out this infographic to learn more about this emerging epidemic and what you can do to protect yourself.

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Open Myc – Fungal Threats: What’s Real?

The Last of Us, a television series streaming on HBO Max, has captivated the public and raised the question: Is a fungal zombie apocalypse a real threat? Join the mycology experts who deal with fungal villains on a daily basis as they tackle the questions:

  • Is the fungus from The Last of Us a real threat?
  • What fungal infections threaten us today?
  • Are climate change and antifungal resistance making things worse?

Learn more about fungi such as CordycepsOphiocordycepsCandida aurisSporothrix, and Coccidioides, the organism that causes Valley Fever, in a special interactive Twitter Spaces (audio chat) hosted by Dr Ilan Schwartz. Also joining the discussion will be Drs Matt Kasson, Arturo Casadevall, Asiya Gusa, and Norman van Rhijn.

If you missed the discussion, please use the button below to listen to an archived version of the event:

Click here to listen to the archived event

Fungal Diseases and COVID-19

Symptoms of some fungal diseases can be similar to those of COVID-19, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath.1 Laboratory testing is necessary to determine if a person has a fungal infection or COVID-19. Some patients can have COVID-19 and a fungal infection at the same time.

Click Here for CDC Resources on Fungal Diseases and Covid-19.

New Informational handout!

 COVID-19 and Invasive Fungal Infections: Information for Patients and Families

Finding out that your loved one has an invasive fungal infection associated with COVID-19 can be overwhelming. Would you like a little guidance on what to expect, the questions to ask, how to interact with the team, and how to help during their hospitalization and beyond? Check out this new handout for caregivers and patients about hospitalization for a COVID-19—associated fungal infection. This handout was written by Angela Stroman, MSN, RN, of Augusta University in Georgia, who has unique expertise in this area. She has been on both sides of this issue—as a clinical research nurse in infectious diseases and as the daughter of a patient who recovered from COVID-19—associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA). We hope you find this resource helpful as you and your loved one face this challenge.

Download Now!

Patient Videos

The patient videoscopes feature stories from real patients who survived invasive fungal infections. These survivor stories address patient and caregiver perspectives on unmet educational needs while also documenting the actual patient experience.

Faces of Fungal Infection Interviews

In the Faces of Fungal Infections series, Mycoses Study Group Education & Research Consortium (MSGERC) members interview patients who have survived  invasive fungal infections. This series was created for to educate both patients and providers, raising awareness of these infections, promoting prompt diagnosis, illustrating the impact on patients, and encouraging strategies to support patients in their health journey during and after these devastating infections.


Jay’s Story—Resistant Dermatophyte

Who knew that ringworm could be such a big problem? In this interview, Dr Lisa Tushla, of Terranova Medica, LLC, and Dr Jeremy Gold, Medical Epidemiologist at CDC, interview a patient about his experience with a resistant dermatophyte infection. Watch Jay’s story to learn more about this emerging problem of a resistant dermatophyte infection and the impact it can have on the affected individual.


A Case of Candida auris after Lung Transplantation

Leslie’s Story

In this video interview, Dr Peter Pappas, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at University of Alabama School of Medicine, interviews Leslie, a bilateral lung transplant recipient, and his wife. Leslie developed a case of C auris after his lung transplantation. Learn about the patient and caregiver experience during the diagnostic, treatment, and post treatment phases of this superbug infection.

Experience of Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) After Travel to Arizona

Larry’s Story

After returning to Colorado from a vacation in the Arizona desert, Larry became very sick with an unknown illness. Watch his story unfold as he discusses his experience—the pre-diagnostic illness, the challenging process of diagnosis, and the roller coaster ride during treatment for coccidioidomycosis. This video series features discussion from Larry’s wife, Kippi, and her perspective as a patient advocate and caregiver; Larry’s primary care provider, Ronda Orndoff, DNP, who illustrates the educational needs for PCPs caring for a patient with coccidioidomycosis, as well as members of the CDC and MSGERC discussing the diagnostic process and unmet educational needs for both patients and providers dealing with this challenging infection.




Early Illness




Visit to the Primary Care Provider


Starting Antifungal Therapy


Drilling Down on Testing


Discussing Testing and Test Results


Role of Caregiver


Turning the Corner


Resources & Support


Common Questions


Roller-Coaster Ride


Primary-Care—Directed Resources


When to Initiate Treatment


Recognizing the Need to Switch Therapy


Pearls of Wisdom


Accessing Experts

Histoplasmosis: An Unexpected Finding, A Challenging Journey

Carrea ‘s Story

Carrea was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at the age of 14 and has been on a biologic for 13 years. Recently, she struggled with an unexplained illness for over a month before things took a sudden turn for the worse:

“I woke up one Sunday morning with a fever of 104.1°F. I couldn’t really move, and I felt like it was a chore to even just lift my arm. I had a very bad migraine, and I knew something was wrong. I drove to the emergency room, and they sent me right back because my fever was so high. And they ran test after test after test. And everything came back negative. They did not know what was wrong at the time.”

Watch Carrea’s interview with Dr Pappas and learn about her experience with disseminated histoplasmosis. Witness the inspiring story of how this experience led to her commitment to advocate for other patients with compromised immune systems.


Introduction to Faces of Fungal Infections series


Carrea’s Story: Histoplasmosis Diagnosis


Diagnosis and Management of Disseminated Histoplasmosis


Key Learnings About Histoplasmosis

Blastomycoses: The Power of Multidisciplinary Care

Darrell’s Story

While working on his truck in rural Alabama, Darrell injured himself. He then noticed a small ulcer on his forearm that was very painful. He had it checked by a doctor and was put on antibiotics. The ulcer then proceeded to grow at an alarming rate over the next 6 months. Nobody could figure out what it was. Darrell shared the strange and frustrating experience with this unexplained ulcer:

“After the first biopsy, it was twice the size that is was originally. Each time a biopsy was done, it became larger. By the next biopsy, it was probably about one third of my forearm. It was starting to bleed every night in the shower, to the point where it scared me a little bit. The doctors would say they hadn’t seen anything like it and didn’t know what it was.”

Watch Dr Pappas interview Darrell about his experience with blastomycosis.


Darrell’s Story: A Case of Blastomycosis


Infectious Diseases Consult for Blastomycosis


Key Learnings About Blastomycosis

Covid-19–Associated Fungal Infections Video Series


Dr Pappas discussing the patient’s disease and treatment course with him

Covid-19–Associated Cryptococcosis in a Transplant Patient

In this video interview, Peter Pappas, MD, FACP, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at University of Alabama School of Medicine, interviews a kidney transplant recipient who recently developed cryptococcosis during a hospitalization with COVID-19.  Dr Pappas also provides some insights into the risk for invasive fungal infections in solid organ transplant patients who develop COVID-19.

Click Here for the Full Video Series


Dr Vazquez discusses Mr Castro’s case and what led him to suspect an invasive fungal infection.

COVID-19-Associated Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CAPA)

In this video series, Dr Jose Vazquez, from Augusta University, his patient Kiko Castro, and Mr Castro’s daughter Angela Stroman discuss Mr Castro’s experience with an invasive fungal infection. This COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) complicated Mr Castro’s COVID-19 disease course. Fortunately, he recovered well once the fungal infection was diagnosed and treated.

Click Here for the Full Video Series

COVID-19-associated IFIs

Mucormycosis Infographic

COVID-19-associated mucormycosis has ravaged India.  With an eye toward helping patients recognize the signs and symptoms and seek treatment early, we have created this infographic about mucormycosis (the “black fungus”).

Learn More

Superficial Fungal Infections Infographic

Did you know that fungal infections of the skin, nail, and hair are becoming more resistant? Some people are having these infections spread over their entire body. What is the impact on you? Is there anything you can do? Check out this infographic to learn more about this emerging epidemic and what you can do to protect yourself.

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