MSGERC Grand Rounds Webinar Series


Episode 9—Combating Antifungal Resistance in the Hospital Setting

Archived from 5/9/2024

In this episode, we bring clinical and public health experts together to discuss strategies to combat antifungal resistance in the hospital setting. The webinar features:

  • Peter G. Pappas, MD, FACP, a mycology expert at University of Alabama at Birmingham, discusses his experience in advocating for the inclusion of antifungal stewardship in the antimicrobial stewardship program at his institution
  • Teny M. John, MD, an infectious diseases clinician working to add antifungal stewardship to the stewardship program at his cancer center
  • Experts from CDC working with epidemiologic data toward developing best practices in antifungal stewardship

In this interactive session, you will learn about and discuss:

  • The epidemiology of resistant mycoses in hospital settings (including resistant Candida, Aspergillus, and non-Aspergillus mold species)
  • The importance of monitoring for resistance
  • Prophylaxis protocols
  • Diagnostic and susceptibility testing
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring as components of antifungal stewardship


Sophie Jones Allen, PhD, MSc

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia

Teny M. John, MD

Assistant Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, Infection Control & Employee Health
Division of Internal Medicine
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Dallas Smith, PharmD

Mycotic Diseases Branch
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Peter G. Pappas, MD, FACP

Emeritus Professor
Chair, Scientific Committee, MSGERC
Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama

Jeremy Gold, MD, MS

Medical Officer
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia