Antifungal Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM): Infographic Resources

This section of the website provide visual resources on antifungal therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). The downloadable infographics use visual schemas to address:

  • The rationale for use of TDM for triazole antifungals
  • The strength of recommendations for TDM for different drugs, formulations, and indications
  • The timing for sampling (with or without loading doses)
  • The suggested target trough ranges for therapy and prophylaxis, as relevant
  • Potential dose adjustments to make based on the trough concentrations for each drug

We hope you find these resources helpful as you incorporate TDM at your institution. We thank Dallas Smith, PharmD, MS, MAS, of CDC; Melissa Johnson, PharmD, of Duke University; and Jo-Anne Young, MD, of University of Minnesota Medical School, for their assistance in developing this content.