MSGERC Grand Rounds Webinar Series
MSGERC Grand Rounds Webinar Series, Episode 7—Cutaneous Manifestations of Fungal Infections
In this episode, we are pleased to bring together two international experts in mycology to address cutaneous manifestations of fungal infections. Dr Boni Elewski, an expert on cutaneous mycoses and dermatological clinical trials, and Dr George R. Thompson, III, an expert on fungal diagnostics and treatment, examine current challenges in the diagnosis and management of the cutaneous manifestations of fungal infections. They explore the differential diagnosis and treatment of superficial fungal infections such as onychomycosis, tinea pedis, and tinea corporis; implantation mycoses; and skin manifestations of invasive fungal infections. The speakers address emerging issues such as antifungal resistance, particularly for dermatophyte infections. This content is appropriate for clinicians across specialties who see patients with cutaneous infections, including podiatrists, primary care providers, dermatologists, and infectious diseases specialists.
Originally Recorded: Wednesday May 17, 2023

Boni E. Elewski, MD
Professor and Chair
James Elder Endowed Professor of Graduate Medical Education
Director of Clinical Research
Department of Dermatology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama

George R. Thompson, III, MD, FIDSA, FECMM
Professor of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases
Department of Medical Microbiology & Immunology
University of California – Davis Medical Center
Sacramento, California